20 February 2015

Experimental Project Ideas

The experimental project requires the creation of animation without the use of computers. Three 30-second 'test' animations will be created to music before deciding which of these techniques worked best. The final production will then be created using the chosen technique. 

Before starting, we were asked to create a quick brainstorm of ways that animation could be made:

  • Lego: stop-motion seen in the credits of 'The Lego Movie'.
  • Whiteboard: drawing, moving paper and magnets.
  • Origami: tricky...
  • Flowers: stop motion. could be ripped/folded/crumpled.
  • Shadows: holes for light to shine through. cutout's shadow against a wall.
  • Silhouettes: on a lightbox.
  • Food: inspited by PES.
  • Playing with water: water ripples in time to a beat or food colour.
  • Lights: different colours. dm slowly for long notes.
  • Destruction: e.g. melting crayons. Could be backwards (e.g. fire, petals or food)
  • Speed drawing: Symmetry?
  • Lines: drawn/string. Lines created and movement is interpreted by the music.
  • Dropping objects: e.g. sand, petals or leaves.
  • Backwards art: Clean canvas, paint in time to the music. Colours correspond to the instruments. The last note will need to be painted first.
  • Sound bars: e.g. rock piles.
  • Popping balloons: filled with paint/glitter.

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